For a complete product introduction with one of our success specialists, please contact us at [email protected].
12x Glö Serum
12x Hyaluronic Hydration Primer
1x Each Backbar 8oz:
Enzyme Peel, Real Balance Serum, OxyPro Serum, TCA Depigmentation Peel, Hydrating Rose Water, Hyaluronic Hydration Primer, Anti-Aging Moisturizer, Firm & Hydrate Mask, Exfoliating Cleanser
HANCOCK EQUIPMENT & CONSULTING All rights reserved 2021.
To be successful, we need to stay educated
with the latest equipment technologies and cutting-edge product. Spend part of your Monday mornings with Shelley Hancock to get in the know and help you create a successful beauty business!
Please consider Shelley a trusted mentor on your journey to success.
*Starting April 25th, 2022