The Skin Enhancer is a cleansing and rejuvenating facial device. It includes modes for deep cleanse, product penetration, facial contouring and calming. It integrates nanocurrent (EMS), heat, biomechanical vibration, red, blue, and orange LED plus cold for locking in product, closing the pores, and calming the skin.
Please note, this is a retail product, best for at-home use. This is not made for treatment use. MSRP: $349.00
Watch the Shelley Show & Tell HERE.
Watch the Shelley Show & Tell with Shelley & Michelle Phelan HERE.
We recommend bundles with this tool for the most effective results. Please select your bundle from the drop-down above. Bundles include:
Instruction Video
Please watch our Instruction Video HERE.
HANCOCK EQUIPMENT & CONSULTING All rights reserved 2021.
To be successful, we need to stay educated
with the latest equipment technologies and cutting-edge product. Spend part of your Monday mornings with Shelley Hancock to get in the know and help you create a successful beauty business!
Please consider Shelley a trusted mentor on your journey to success.
*Starting April 25th, 2022